Conference, DSP, Electronics, RF, SDR

Tayloe Mixer Frontend for the Supercon 2023 Vector Scope Badge

The Hackaday Supercon conference is an amazing convergence of electronics, makers, engineers, designers, educators, and anyone else interested in making cool projects. Each year we descend on the town of Old Pasadena to Hack on things over the weekend in early November. The amazing thing about the conference is that every year they build a… Continue reading Tayloe Mixer Frontend for the Supercon 2023 Vector Scope Badge

Image Processing, Photography

A Study in Turquoise: Comparing Lomo Turquoise Film to Digital Emulation

There are lots of things that make film fun, but the one that I have been experimenting with lately are ones that flip the script on colors. These color swapping films, exclusively from Lomography, change the color sensitivity of the layers so that for example blue becomes red and red becomes blue which is the… Continue reading A Study in Turquoise: Comparing Lomo Turquoise Film to Digital Emulation

Conference, Photography

Open Sauce Maker Portraits: A Photography Self Project

One of the areas of photography that I want to improve on is portraiture. Being able to capture someone’s likeness, their personality, their soul, is such a powerful tool. And in so many situations I consistently fail to achieve the look I was going for in my head. Inspired by Willem Verbeeck’s idea of a… Continue reading Open Sauce Maker Portraits: A Photography Self Project

Electronics, RF

Setting up the Hak5 Wifi Coconut

The Wi-Fi Coconut is a device produced by Hak5 with the express purpose of capturing all 14 Wi-Fi channels. It does this by having a dedicated Wi-Fi chip for each channel ganging all of them up via USB to a host computer. This can take quite a bit of power so there is an… Continue reading Setting up the Hak5 Wifi Coconut

Electronics, RF, SDR

Building the ClockworkPi uConsole

The ClockworkPi uConsole is one of the most polished handheld raspberry pi computers on the market. From its metal shell to the driver software it just works right out of the box. Well after you assemble it first! I recorded a quick video of the process and was surprised at how well everything went… Continue reading Building the ClockworkPi uConsole

3D Printing, Photography

Improving the optics of the Tri-Aerochrome Film Filter

I was quite surprised that my idea of using a 3D film camera with infrared film and a custom filter worked so well in creating an Aerochrome-like image. The basis of the idea can be found in my previous post below. But there were still problems I wanted to solve, the first being the… Continue reading Improving the optics of the Tri-Aerochrome Film Filter

Image Processing, Photography

Cheapest Infrared Aerochrome Imaging with an iPhone

Always in a constant search for new ways to produce the iconic imagery of Kodak infrared Aerochrome film, I thought up an interesting method that only requires an iPhone, a 720nm Infrared filter, and some kind of Photoshop software! Video Guide The video goes into detail on the exact process, but a quick summary… Continue reading Cheapest Infrared Aerochrome Imaging with an iPhone


Converting a Digital Camera to Take Infrared Aerochrome Images

Always chasing the beautiful colors of the elusive Aerochrome film I dived into the art of infrared photography. It is one of the many niche areas of photography, infrared photography can produce images that are almost otherworldly. This is because infrared light is invisible to the human eye, making the resulting images alien to our… Continue reading Converting a Digital Camera to Take Infrared Aerochrome Images

3D Printing, Photography

An Analog Aerochrome Film Replacement

In a few previous projects, I investigated ways to create images that look like the famous Kodak Aerochrome infrared film. As a film stock that is just not available anymore, we must look for ways to re-create it in creative ways. The color swap method gets easily confused on things that are green but not… Continue reading An Analog Aerochrome Film Replacement