3D Printing, Electronics, Photography, RF

Making a Radar Zone Focus Device for Better Street Photography

I have always been impressed by the art of street photography. Where the photographer is right in the action of others' daily lives, strangers in passing and capturing that decisive moment. Ever since I got my first rangefinder (not necessary for street photography) I have wanted to try my hand at capturing these fleeting moments.… Continue reading Making a Radar Zone Focus Device for Better Street Photography

Conference, DSP, Electronics, RF, SDR

Tayloe Mixer Frontend for the Supercon 2023 Vector Scope Badge

The Hackaday Supercon conference is an amazing convergence of electronics, makers, engineers, designers, educators, and anyone else interested in making cool projects. Each year we descend on the town of Old Pasadena to Hack on things over the weekend in early November. The amazing thing about the conference is that every year they build a… Continue reading Tayloe Mixer Frontend for the Supercon 2023 Vector Scope Badge

Docker, RF, SDR, Software

Creating a WiFi Monitor with a Kismet Docker Container

In my quest to become more familiar with Docker I decided to create a container to run another wireless radio software called Kismet. Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool, and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework. Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (software defined radio) hardware like the… Continue reading Creating a WiFi Monitor with a Kismet Docker Container

Docker, RF, SDR, Software

Simple GNURadio Server Setup with noVNC Docker

I have been using GNURadio since college, and even now just getting the software installed and working with your hardware radio can be a challenge. So I decided to create a Docker image that not only has GNURadio installed but can be accessed via VNC in a browser tab. This allows this container to be… Continue reading Simple GNURadio Server Setup with noVNC Docker

RF, Software

First Look at CENOS Antenna Design Software

Hobbyist and low-cost antenna design software have been usually limited to basic theoretical calculations based on ideal EM equations that could be done on the back of the hand. It is only recently that full EM simulation has drifted down to the masses in a semi-affordable way. CENOS Antenna Design software is one of the… Continue reading First Look at CENOS Antenna Design Software

Electronics, RF

Measuring the Range of nRF24L01 Modules with CircuitPython

I became really interested in the capabilities of the nRF24L01 radio modules due to their insanely low price ~$2 in quantity, compared to something like a LoRa module ~$25. So you can basically have 10 for the price of one. Now I am not saying these are comparable devices, since the LoRa devices can be… Continue reading Measuring the Range of nRF24L01 Modules with CircuitPython

Conference, DSP, RF, SDR, Software

GNURadio GRCon 2021

It's that time of year again! the GNURadio Conference is back, in-person and virtual as a hybrid conference this year! This conference is centered around the GNURadio software and its different aspects and community. Focusing on software-defined radio processing and its applications. Each year the conference is held at a different location in the US,… Continue reading GNURadio GRCon 2021


Radio Resilience Competition

The competition, along with its organizers, look to set a new standard in wireless efficiency and durability. This is done by providing a simulated wireless environment and scoring structure that challenges competitors to build resilient and reliable radios. More detailed information can be found on their website. https://radioresilience.com/ The Radio Resilience Competition debuted at the… Continue reading Radio Resilience Competition

Conference, RF, SDR

GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 4

This is the last day of technical conference talks so its packed to the gills with content. There is also a closing talk with Ben Hilburn and Derek Kozel where they close out the conference with a bunch of information. Along with a reveal that all or almost all of the workshops have been recorded… Continue reading GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 4

Conference, RF, SDR

GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 3

More amazing talks from day 3 for GRCon20, Im still working on the CTF but got stuck fairly quickly... I would still encourage everyone to take a look at the signals in GnuRadio, hopefully they will release solutions, not just the flag values but how they got to them! Schedule Full Conference Schedule 9/14 -… Continue reading GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 3