DSP, RF, SDR, Software

Radio Resilience Competition at GRCon21

As part of the GNURadio Conference 2021, the Radio Resilience Competition created a custom competition just for the conference. This is similar to the Capture the Flag (CTF) that has been a mainstay of the GRCon. The cool thing about this competition is that it was not just for bragging rites but real prizes! The… Continue reading Radio Resilience Competition at GRCon21


Radio Resilience Competition

The competition, along with its organizers, look to set a new standard in wireless efficiency and durability. This is done by providing a simulated wireless environment and scoring structure that challenges competitors to build resilient and reliable radios. More detailed information can be found on their website. https://radioresilience.com/ The Radio Resilience Competition debuted at the… Continue reading Radio Resilience Competition