

Raspberry Pi 4 Bench Display

I wanted to create an electronics bench computer that could be set up to control logic analyzers, GPIO, software-defined radios, and other equipment for running tests and diagnostics on my various projects. Decided to use the Raspberry Pi 4, because it is small and compact, has various IO capability, can be paired with a touch… Continue reading Raspberry Pi 4 Bench Display


Arduino BLE Cycling Power Service

A while back I read about a project on Hackaday that a hacked an expensive indoor smart bicycle, where the virtual riding ability was axed when Peleton bought the company, to work with the popular service Zwift. They did this by capturing the proprietary Bluetooth output, reformatting it, and sending it on as a generic… Continue reading Arduino BLE Cycling Power Service

Conference, RF, SDR

GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 4

This is the last day of technical conference talks so its packed to the gills with content. There is also a closing talk with Ben Hilburn and Derek Kozel where they close out the conference with a bunch of information. Along with a reveal that all or almost all of the workshops have been recorded… Continue reading GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 4

Conference, RF, SDR

GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 3

More amazing talks from day 3 for GRCon20, Im still working on the CTF but got stuck fairly quickly... I would still encourage everyone to take a look at the signals in GnuRadio, hopefully they will release solutions, not just the flag values but how they got to them! Schedule Full Conference Schedule 9/14 -… Continue reading GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 3

Conference, RF, SDR

GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 2

The Virtual GRCon continues! The conference is in full swing, more and more people are becoming active in the conference chat and there has been a flurry of activity in the Capture The Flag Competition (CTF). The reason I went to my first GRCon was to learn from the hands-on workshops and to better understand… Continue reading GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 2

Conference, RF, SDR

GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 1

GnuRadio Conference has gone virtual! Due to COVID-19 almost every conference is going virtual which gives many people the ability to attend that did not have the ability to before. While I miss being there in-person I believe this will have a huge benefit to the community in the long run, allowing new people to… Continue reading GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 1