Background A number of solutions to contact tracing using Bluetooth have been developed by the likes of Google and Apple and many others. This requires user devices to monitor the Bluetooth spectrum for potential contacts and record those contacts for a particular amount of time. The issue here is that other devices would be monitoring… Continue reading Contact Tracing using Location based Encryption
Matlab Live Scripts
Basics While playing with a Matlab provided demo I discovered that it used the Live Script format as it did not look like a normal (.m) file. So I decided to look into the Matlab live scripts (.mlx) more to see if they were a viable format. The idea is that they work like Jupiter… Continue reading Matlab Live Scripts
FFT CircuitPython Library
Overview (TL;DR) Clone the FFT repo and have fun! CircuitPython_FFT Library If you have an edge badge or i2s mic and another badge that is CircuitPython capable clone the demo repo as well Edge-Badge Audio Spectrum demo repo My Experience with CircuitPython I have been playing with the Adafruit Circuit Python for a while now… Continue reading FFT CircuitPython Library
Drone Identification Module Part 1
I started this project about a year back as I thought it would be a good idea to start creating affordable open source identification modules for drones and other hobby aircraft. Now that I have seen the proposed FAA rules for what they are calling RemoteID I feel like they are going in the wrong… Continue reading Drone Identification Module Part 1
2.4 GHz Patch Antenna Design with MATLAB
Wireless communications have always fascinated me. In school, I took digital signal processing classes, Radar signal processing classes, and even a course on wireless communication theory. But I never dived down into the electromagnetic theory. I am by no means an antenna designer, this is my first foray into antenna theory design and actual manufacturing.… Continue reading 2.4 GHz Patch Antenna Design with MATLAB
Pluto SDR Matlab SNA
A Scalar Network Analyzer (SNA) is a type of RF network analyzer that only measures the amplitude properties of the device under test (DUT). A Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is also capable of measuring the phase of the DUT. An SNA can be used to measure RF properties such as Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)… Continue reading Pluto SDR Matlab SNA
Fatshark HD FPV Byte Frost
A quick look at the prototype HD FPV system design provided by Fatshark after DJI announced their new HD FPV video system. Full disclosure I have not had a look at the real device and this is just info from what I can glean from the facebook post and other info on the web. Here… Continue reading Fatshark HD FPV Byte Frost
Bay Area Maker Faire 2019
This was only my second Bay Area Maker Faire and was looking forward to going to more of them. It is such an amazing collection of people ready and willing to teach newcomers new things and to learn the joys of making! I was hoping to write an article telling you the joys of maker… Continue reading Bay Area Maker Faire 2019
The Leica M8 in 2019
I had been eyeing a Leica M for a while. It started after my grandpa gave me an old Pentax film camera. After that, I was hooked. I could not afford an M at the time so I purchased a Leica IIIc on eBay for a few hundred, but I still kept looking for an… Continue reading The Leica M8 in 2019
Custom 60 Percent Bluetooth Keyboard
Why a custom keyboard A few weeks ago I had no idea about the custom keyboard market until I started looking for a replacement for my daskeyboard that was smaller than its full size layout. This was to reduce the amount space cluttering my desk. I started out looking for a ten keyless mechanical keyboard… Continue reading Custom 60 Percent Bluetooth Keyboard