Electronics, RF

Nebra Helium Hotspot Miner

I have been hearing about Helium for a while now and it seems to be gaining traction with n number of gateways now scattered throughout the world it is starting to become a viable solution to providing an IoT backend. The incentive to gateway owners being the HNT cryptocurrency that is mined when they provide… Continue reading Nebra Helium Hotspot Miner

Electronics, MATLAB, SDR

Magnetic Communications

While playing with the magnetometer sensor on the Arduino for my DIY smart bike project I had an idea that I might be able to use a magnetometer as a crude communications receiver. The question being, Can we transmit data, by modulating a magnetic field, to a computer using a magnetometer sensor as a receiver,… Continue reading Magnetic Communications


Getting Started with the Ambasat-1

The Ambasat-1 is an open-source Sprite Class Satalite that you can assemble, program, and have launched into space! Your very own satellite in space! When most people hear the word satellite they think of multi-million dollar devices that are way out of the reach of your average maker. But the cost of satellites and their… Continue reading Getting Started with the Ambasat-1

Conference, Electronics

Looking Back On Hackaday Supercon 2019

I learned about the Hackaday Supercon a few days before Supercon 2018 was starting so I, unfortunately, missed out on tickets. So after seeing all the amazing talks posted online, and hearing about the amazing badge and the multi-day hacking that took place, I made sure I did not miss it in 2019. And wow… Continue reading Looking Back On Hackaday Supercon 2019


Hot Air Reflow with Solder Paste

Learning how to solder with hot air and solder paste is definitely one of those skills that you need to practice in order to built and fix modern electronics. The perceived difficulty of soldering SMD components has scared me in the past and has prevented me from learning more skills like PCB design, because why… Continue reading Hot Air Reflow with Solder Paste


Raspberry Pi 4 Bench Display

I wanted to create an electronics bench computer that could be set up to control logic analyzers, GPIO, software-defined radios, and other equipment for running tests and diagnostics on my various projects. Decided to use the Raspberry Pi 4, because it is small and compact, has various IO capability, can be paired with a touch… Continue reading Raspberry Pi 4 Bench Display


Arduino BLE Cycling Power Service

A while back I read about a project on Hackaday that a hacked an expensive indoor smart bicycle, where the virtual riding ability was axed when Peleton bought the company, to work with the popular service Zwift. They did this by capturing the proprietary Bluetooth output, reformatting it, and sending it on as a generic… Continue reading Arduino BLE Cycling Power Service