Conference, RF, SDR

GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 4

This is the last day of technical conference talks so its packed to the gills with content. There is also a closing talk with Ben Hilburn and Derek Kozel where they close out the conference with a bunch of information. Along with a reveal that all or almost all of the workshops have been recorded… Continue reading GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 4

Conference, RF, SDR

GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 3

More amazing talks from day 3 for GRCon20, Im still working on the CTF but got stuck fairly quickly... I would still encourage everyone to take a look at the signals in GnuRadio, hopefully they will release solutions, not just the flag values but how they got to them! Schedule Full Conference Schedule 9/14 -… Continue reading GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 3

Conference, RF, SDR

GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 2

The Virtual GRCon continues! The conference is in full swing, more and more people are becoming active in the conference chat and there has been a flurry of activity in the Capture The Flag Competition (CTF). The reason I went to my first GRCon was to learn from the hands-on workshops and to better understand… Continue reading GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 2

Conference, RF, SDR

GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 1

GnuRadio Conference has gone virtual! Due to COVID-19 almost every conference is going virtual which gives many people the ability to attend that did not have the ability to before. While I miss being there in-person I believe this will have a huge benefit to the community in the long run, allowing new people to… Continue reading GRCon20 Virtual Conference Day 1


2.4 GHz Patch Antenna Design with MATLAB

Wireless communications have always fascinated me. In school, I took digital signal processing classes, Radar signal processing classes, and even a course on wireless communication theory. But I never dived down into the electromagnetic theory. I am by no means an antenna designer, this is my first foray into antenna theory design and actual manufacturing.… Continue reading 2.4 GHz Patch Antenna Design with MATLAB