In the digital age, analog film as a photographic medium almost went extinct, and many variants did. We can't make them again, we don't have the technology. But somehow some survived and are actually on the upward trend. Film is a phenomenon, a century-plus-old medium seems to have developed a modern cult following. But it… Continue reading Down the Film Grain Simulation Rabbit Hole for 36Exp
Category: Software
The New Raspberry Pi Pieca Camera for Leica Lenses
I was really happy with the original Pieca design at the beginning. It was boxy and quirky but it made it easy to add all the necessary electronics for a Raspberry Pi camera. But as I kept using it one big problem became apparent, the lens mount was not going to last… After taking it… Continue reading The New Raspberry Pi Pieca Camera for Leica Lenses
Building and Publishing an iOS App with your iPad for real
Building and publishing an app for the iOS App Store all from an iPad Pro is possible! I was able to do it for my 36Exp camera app, don’t believe me take a look at the proof. For my app idea, I wanted to build a film camera experience app. This meant handling camera… Continue reading Building and Publishing an iOS App with your iPad for real
Bluetooth Snooze Button for iPhone
I like to sleep in late just like everyone else, but lately, I have been trying to get on an earlier morning schedule. This involved multiple alarms like 5 or 6 that I would have to dismiss every morning. So I thought wouldn’t it be great to have a button on my nightstand to turn… Continue reading Bluetooth Snooze Button for iPhone
Super Quick Home Server Setup with Umbrel
I have been building out my home lab since 2020 and recently wanted to setup my partners parents with a simple home server where they could backup photos and documents locally. I wanted it to be a fairly small and unobtrusive device that could be run with minimal input. For this I decided to try… Continue reading Super Quick Home Server Setup with Umbrel
Pieca: A Raspberry Pi Camera System for Leica M Mount Lenses
Taking pictures and geeking out over cameras was one of my first hobbies starting with an old Olympus point and shoot, I then moved up to a DSLR upgrading as new and exciting technology became accessible to my summer job budget. I then got the opportunity to buy a Leica M8 and was immediately hooked… Continue reading Pieca: A Raspberry Pi Camera System for Leica M Mount Lenses
Creating a WiFi Monitor with a Kismet Docker Container
In my quest to become more familiar with Docker I decided to create a container to run another wireless radio software called Kismet. Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool, and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework. Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (software defined radio) hardware like the… Continue reading Creating a WiFi Monitor with a Kismet Docker Container
Quick and Dirty ATTiny85 LiPO Battery Gauge
Portable projects require some kind of battery, but getting information on the voltage level or how much battery life you have left is a whole other problem. This can be solved by monitoring the voltage on the battery using an analog to digital converter, and then some firmware to read that digital value and produce… Continue reading Quick and Dirty ATTiny85 LiPO Battery Gauge
Simple GNURadio Server Setup with noVNC Docker
I have been using GNURadio since college, and even now just getting the software installed and working with your hardware radio can be a challenge. So I decided to create a Docker image that not only has GNURadio installed but can be accessed via VNC in a browser tab. This allows this container to be… Continue reading Simple GNURadio Server Setup with noVNC Docker
Easy WireGuard Setup on Unraid
I have been wanting to configure my own VPN for some time now in order to access my shared drives and machines on my local network while traveling now that my main computing machine is a desktop. I had looked up several tutorials but wanted something that was super quick and not too networking heavy.… Continue reading Easy WireGuard Setup on Unraid