The idea behind the Helium project really struck me as a unique intersection of radios, decentralization, and cryptocurrency. And as The Peoples Network keeps growing I saw a need to somehow quantify how well your hotspot is doing at its current position compared to the other hotspots around you. This is because the amount of HNT and its price are continually changing due to people trading the coin and the addition of more hotspots. So we have to accept the fact that the number of HNT each hotspot will make will continually be reduced as the network grows but hopefully the price of the coin will increase in relationship. So with these dynamic parameters, it’s hard to empirically quantify if your hotspot is doing well over time.

This is where Hotspots Health comes in. It processes your hotspots activity on the network and compares that to the other hotspots in your area but also factors in how active and responsive your hotspot is on the network in general. The site does this through a health checkup which can be run by the user. This checkup creates a comprehensive report of a bunch of various parameters, then weights them into a health score that you can track over time.
The service has a main dashboard that allows you access to your hotspots and hotspot health reports in an intuitive graphical interface, with graphs and quick links to the Helium explorer.
The main dashboard shows your Helium account rewards for the various time intervals, along with your current balance, the oracle price of HNT, and the average health of your hotspots. It also shows your added hotspots and their status and latest health score. The main dashboard allows you to add more hotspots to track to your account based on which tier of the service you are on. The add hotspot button will pop up a search window where you can enter your hotspot name in order to find the correct one.

You can then get more information on an individual hotspot by clicking on the hotspot name (currently blacked out for privacy).
The hotspot dashboard provides more information specific to a hotspot, such as its rewards over the various time intervals along with a graph of its health scores. It also reiterates the status of the hotspot along with if it is relayed. You can also view the hotspot on the Helium Explorer by clicking the telescope icon on the right of the name banner (currently blacked out).
Below the graph is a full list of all the checkups that have been performed on the hotspot. Then at the bottom is a button to run a new checkup, this will use up one of your checkup credits.

If you click on the “new checkup” button a new checkup will be computed and will automatically open the health report information. You can also select a checkup to review by clicking on its date.
The health report or checkup shows you all of the data that has been computed from the Helium network activity. It provides a breakdown summary of your health score so you can understand what could be going wrong with your hotspot. It also shows you information on the Beacons that your hotspot has sent out, the witnesses that your hotspot has seen, the challenges that your hotspot has challenged, and a reward breakdown. More detailed information on each section can be found by clicking the “i” icons respectively.
The other thing that this report shows you are the mutual hotspots. These are hotspots that you have witnessed and that have witnessed your beacons. You can also see their weekly rewards sum as well as a difference of their witnesses to your beacons valid as well as the SNR and Signal strength.

There is definitely a lot to digest in the reports so take your time and click around to learn more. This quick access to this information makes it simple to investigate your hotspots activity without having to deal with the slow Helium Explorer.
The report analyzes 100 activity points which include rewards, witnesses, beacons, challenges, and data transfers. So this long-form report does lag activity a bit. Future iterations will contain more short-term and long-term parameters with better visualizations.
Pricing Tiers
There are three pricing tiers that a user can sign up for. The first is the Free tier that allows you access to the dashboard, 1 hotspot, and 10 checkup credits. You can then buy more checkup credits as necessary but do not receive any monthly credits to use. The Basic tier allows you to monitor up to 5 hotspots and gives you 50 checkups per month that will replenish back to 50 when your subscription resets. If you run out you can still buy extra credits as needed. The highest tier is the Premium subscription that gives you an unlimited number of hotspots and unlimited checkups per month. They are priced accordingly – Free*, Basic 10$ per month*, Premium 25$ per month.
* one time $5 charge per 10 checkup credits if you want more in the Free tier or if you run out of monthly credits in the Basic tier
The paid tiers get a few extras. The Tools section of the dashboard will have additional comparison tools and helium account tools as development continues (more to come soon). You also get access to download the checkup JSON for external processing in your own tools or to save the data offline.
Feed Back
Please visit the Hotspots Health website and send in your feedback to