The maker faire is coming back to mare island this year in 2024 and I just realized I forgot to post my previous experience from 2023! Oops!
After a considerable hiatus the Bay Area maker faire found a new home on mare island in 2023. It was an amazing first comeback leaning into the stem education and outreach. And while its previous incarnation was larger and more polished I think they are gaining back their momentum. Check out my 2019 post below!
The Place
The Bay Area maker fair is again going to be a 3 day event located near Vallejo and Napa on a small industrial island called Mare Island. Mare island was once home to naval operations in the bay with an expansive presence. You can still see many of the now derelict buildings scattered throughout. The Mare island Company has been working to redevelop parts of the island including the Coal sheds (where the maker faire is being held), several small officer quarters into unique local businesses, and a Medical school as well. The area reminds me a lot of Treasure island which more Bay Area residents may be more familiar with.

I am pretty familiar with the island as my partner goes to the medical school there, so I was presently surprised that Maker Faire was going to be in my neck of the bay.
Also if you are coming from SF try taking the SF Bay Area Ferry, it goes from the SF ferry terminal all across the bay and is a super fun way to commute or travel! There are a few other terminals scattered around the bay so check it out.
The Event
Maker faire has always been about makers, people that create things for their own enjoyment, for others, for education, etc. This event gives people the chance to share and exhibit their creations to a large group of attendees. Maker Faire also has talks, performances, as well as seller stalls, and a large area specifically for stem education.
But the other thing that really makes the event is that the attendees also are encouraged to dress up and bring their small projects as well! In the spirit of this I brought my latest Pieca camera along to document the event and get some unique pictures.
Pieca Camera Pictures
These pictures of the event were taken on my V2 pieca camera which is a raspberry pi based camera system designed for leica m mount lenses learn more here about the open source project. The lens used here was actually a wide angle 6mm c mount lens.

Pieca Camera Images

36Exp App Images
I Also brought along my iPhone film camera app, it’s designed just like a film camera where you cannot see the final images until you “Develop” them after you take all 36! Here I used 2 new film emulations that I designed one that highlighted the industrial colors in a dystopian apocalyptic look!

Check out the app on the iOS App Store 36Exp
Real Film
And I could not pass up the opportunity to shoot real film at the event! Here I used my Leica M4 with Lomo Metropolis to again highlight the industrial look. I used this as an icebreaker to take portraits of the different makers at the event that were showing off projects.


It was a really fun experience to get to photograph and attend Maker faire and I am looking forward to doing something similar this year! Tickets are still on sale if you want to attend in 2024!
Get Tickets to the Bay Area Maker Faire 2024