In a previous post, I went over how to set up powerlevel9k in your terminal using ZSH shell found below.
But there is a new way of getting things done! PowerLevel10k is out and better than ever. The prompt is faster and the configuration is easier. A link to the new Github repo is provided below.
Following the getting started for Mac OS we can use Homebrew to install powerlevel10k
brew install romkatv/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k
echo 'source /usr/local/opt/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' >>! ~/.zshrc
After it is installed we can run the configuration comand and follow the prompts.
p10k configure

Once you get to the end it will ask if you want to save to your .zshrc file. I selected the save to .p10k.zsh file. That way I could move the new configuration into my .zshrc to manage the migration.
Make sure this line is in the new .zshrc when you move over the code from .p10k.zsh
source /usr/local/opt/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme
Now that you have the basic prompt we can start modifying the configuration to add battery life, wifi speed, and ram info. This can be done by uncommenting a few lines in the generated configuration file.

if you end up missing colors in the ls, we can add the alias to the .zshrc
alias ls='ls -G'
The final prompt should look something like this

Also check out the new response time, way faster than p9k!

I love the Transient Prompt feature, which makes it look much more professional since only the current command shows the banner information, instead of cluttering the terminal.
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