3D Printing, Electronics, Photography, RF

Making a Radar Zone Focus Device for Better Street Photography

I have always been impressed by the art of street photography. Where the photographer is right in the action of others' daily lives, strangers in passing and capturing that decisive moment. Ever since I got my first rangefinder (not necessary for street photography) I have wanted to try my hand at capturing these fleeting moments.… Continue reading Making a Radar Zone Focus Device for Better Street Photography

3D Printing, Photography

Improving the optics of the Tri-Aerochrome Film Filter

I was quite surprised that my idea of using a 3D film camera with infrared film and a custom filter worked so well in creating an Aerochrome-like image. The basis of the idea can be found in my previous post below. https://teaandtechtime.com/an-analog-aerochrome-film-replacement/ But there were still problems I wanted to solve, the first being the… Continue reading Improving the optics of the Tri-Aerochrome Film Filter


Converting a Digital Camera to Take Infrared Aerochrome Images

Always chasing the beautiful colors of the elusive Aerochrome film I dived into the art of infrared photography. It is one of the many niche areas of photography, infrared photography can produce images that are almost otherworldly. This is because infrared light is invisible to the human eye, making the resulting images alien to our… Continue reading Converting a Digital Camera to Take Infrared Aerochrome Images

3D Printing, Photography

Making a USB-C Rechargeable 2CR5 Battery

2CR5 batteries are commonly used in film cameras from the early 90s and 00s. But have not been used in much of anything else since then. So these batteries have not received any of the modern benefits of the digital era. You can still buy them but they are quite expensive at ~$10 a piece!… Continue reading Making a USB-C Rechargeable 2CR5 Battery

3D Printing, Electronics, Image Processing, Photography, Software

Pieca: A Raspberry Pi Camera System for Leica M Mount Lenses

Taking pictures and geeking out over cameras was one of my first hobbies starting with an old Olympus point and shoot, I then moved up to a DSLR upgrading as new and exciting technology became accessible to my summer job budget. I then got the opportunity to buy a Leica M8 and was immediately hooked… Continue reading Pieca: A Raspberry Pi Camera System for Leica M Mount Lenses

Image Processing, Photography, Software

Automatic Sensor Dust Removal

Interchangeable lens cameras are amazing feats of engineering, but as photographers trying to capture that perfect image you are sometimes saddened to realize that there are big black smudges scattered throughout your digital image. These black spots or smudges are caused by small specs of dust and debris that settle on the image sensor and… Continue reading Automatic Sensor Dust Removal