

Using Jupyter Lab for Python Projects

I was looking into using Jupiter Notebooks for a project when I found the JupyterLab software, it is a tool that looks to combine your workflow into a single place. This allows you to open, and interact with, Jupyter Notebooks, text editors, terminals, and many others. You can download it for your system from the… Continue reading Using Jupyter Lab for Python Projects

SDR, Software

Python Digital Phosphor Display with DearPyGui

The goal of the Intensity graded FFT project did not initially include a GUI aspect as I felt that the GNURadio Fosphor module provides an amazing spectrum display, but as I was programming I came across an interesting library that claims to provide a simple but powerful python GUI experience. Previous post on Intensity… Continue reading Python Digital Phosphor Display with DearPyGui

Conference, Electronics

Looking Back On Hackaday Supercon 2019

I learned about the Hackaday Supercon a few days before Supercon 2018 was starting so I, unfortunately, missed out on tickets. So after seeing all the amazing talks posted online, and hearing about the amazing badge and the multi-day hacking that took place, I made sure I did not miss it in 2019. And wow… Continue reading Looking Back On Hackaday Supercon 2019

SDR, Software

Python Intensity Graded FFT Plots

Ever seen those beautiful images Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers produce that show the FFT as an intensity graded persistence display? Well, I wanted to create a plotting tool that would allow you to create high-resolution static imagery for signals. There is already an amazing tool aptly named Fosphor for GNURadio that is capable of real-time plotting… Continue reading Python Intensity Graded FFT Plots


Hot Air Reflow with Solder Paste

Learning how to solder with hot air and solder paste is definitely one of those skills that you need to practice in order to built and fix modern electronics. The perceived difficulty of soldering SMD components has scared me in the past and has prevented me from learning more skills like PCB design, because why… Continue reading Hot Air Reflow with Solder Paste


Vivaldi Antenna Design with MATLAB

Diving deeper into antenna design you find really interesting antenna structures based on what parameter you are trying to optimize for. I was looking for antennas that had wide bandwidth and some directionality, to use in conjuncture with my LimeSDR Mini for one of my many projects, that's how I found out about the Vivaldi… Continue reading Vivaldi Antenna Design with MATLAB


Radio Resilience Competition

The competition, along with its organizers, look to set a new standard in wireless efficiency and durability. This is done by providing a simulated wireless environment and scoring structure that challenges competitors to build resilient and reliable radios. More detailed information can be found on their website. The Radio Resilience Competition debuted at the… Continue reading Radio Resilience Competition